Creative Inspiration Walk 8.02.14

Product Information

Saturday 8th February 2014

The first Walk for 2014 had 9 participants. A good group, and a fun day was had by all despite the intensely hot weather.

I sound like a parrot. My Walk this time last year was also on a hot day (over 30°C) but today took the cake – 40°C. Can’t say we haven’t had a hot summer because we have, and we are experiencing unusually high temperatures and dry heat. My garden is struggling but because there are no restrictions I can water it every day. Despite the weather forecast, all but one of the group turned up and we managed the heat with our trusty water bottles in hand.

As usual we started at Craft Victoria and meandered down Flinders Lane. Three hours went quite quickly and the participants enjoyed it very much. Here’s a couple of comments . . .

“Lovely, interesting and fun”
“I thought the course was great and found a couple of new shops to go to”

We covered a lot of ground in 3 hours and they were delighted to discover suppliers and creative wares in the heart of the city. Many places are relatively hidden away, but they are known to some and treasured by all who discover them. Here’s the CAE blurb to entice you . . .

“Walk with practising artisan Nikki Worth to be inspired and find what you need for your next creative project right here in the heart of the city. Discover sources for buttons, beads, bits & bobs, fabrics, paint, canvas, vintage trims, Japanese patterns, and lots more, hidden in the most unlikely places”

Next Scheduled Walk for 2014:
Saturday 5th April 10:30am-1:30pm