Rose Street Artists Market

Product Information

Sunday 19th June 2011

Yes it’s winter and who wants to go out in the cold? Usually not I but this year I have decided to ‘do’ a few craft markets. It’s this time of year that you can actually get in as a stallholder, because from Spring onwards they’re already booked out by the vendors who endured the winter. I missed out last year because of my aversion to the cold. But not this year, or at least not yet. I may relent if I find that my body can’t handle the conditions and refuses to get out of bed – until the warm sun comes out again. We shall see.

Interestingly, this market day started off with patchy sunshine, which belied the weather that was in store once we were all set up. My table looked beautiful (as you can see), but the wind had other ideas and thought it hilarious sport to upend the table and disperse my wares around the market. It’s times like this when you appreciate the kindness of strangers, who came out of nowhere to retrieve my beautiful pieces and place them back on the table. Two friends, David and Janet, bought me some mapping pins but the wind wouldn’t give up. The pins were no match for this persistent adversary. So after several hours enduring a losing battle my tables were moved (with help) to the safety of the indoors. Needless to say, few people ventured out that day … well why would you?

However, I got some really positive feedback from those who did come by, those who purchased and stallholders who shared some market tips and tricks and made some great suggestions for alternative outlets. I actually enjoyed the day and know that each market day is unpredictable. I’m looking forward to the next time where I’ll be tucked away from the weather at my inside stall !

My next Rose Street market is Sunday 17th July

Rose Street Artists Market
Rose Street, Fitzroy
Saturdays + Sundays